Monday, December 30, 2013

December 31st Puppies due

Tomorrow Pearl will go in for a c-section to deliver the one Large Puppy - The vet felt it best to do the c-section.  Despite feeling Pearl could handle the delivery, the concern is for the pup getting stuck, and not making it. In addition to the stress on Pearl.   Naturally, this approach rattles my nerves, and I am second guessing everything, but I have to believe this is the right choice.  Pearl- she has know idea what is to come, neither do I.

We will leave around 8:30 AM tomorrow, December 31st, and the c-section is scheduled for 11:00 AM.  I have complete confidence in the vet and his team.  This helps ease my nerves.  Still, as with all surgeries, there are risks. 

At times like this I wish I could see into the future, and see the outcome.  My little Pearly, maybe she will go into labor tonight, and tomorrow we arrive at the vet in time for her to deliver her baby.  Help is right there if need be.   Maybe there will be an additional surprise or two.  It sure is one one heck of a way to round out the year 2013! Happy New Year to all.

Friday, December 20, 2013

12 Days of Christmas - Pearl Day 50

      We now have twelve days and counting.  Last litter Pearl began contractions on day 61 and pups were born on day 62.  Here are photos of Pearl at day 50.  

She is growing, but doesn't look huge.

I have noticed a big change in the past couple of days. 

  I hope there are little bodies in there for our xray count on Monday at 3:00PM! 


Pearl and Willow Sunshine


Saturday, December 7, 2013

Preparations under way

 37 Day Pregnant
Pearly's little biscuits baking nicely.

My whelping list keeps getting longer and longer!  Each week I check an item or two off.  Today it was  Milk replacement, bottle feeding kit, canine thermometer, and cottage cheese (for Pearl).  Last week it was digital scale (postal scale measure up to 10 pounds),  Finished cleaning (birthing room - the porch bedroom).   Prior to that it was washing Whelping pool, and exercise pens with Clorox (when the weather was warm).  there is a continued effort to wash and clorox towels, sheets, washcloths.  Oh, and,made business cards, explored pet insurance information for puppy owners.

Next on list:  heater and heat lamp (last one died).  ribbons (after I know the count), Clean extra bedroom - for guests, and tree room (monumental task), organize current whelping kit - dental floss, scissors, note pad, pen, ky jelly, iodine, read, re-read, and re-read whelping bible, cotton balls, fold all the laundry I washed, and set up whelping pool around the 23rd. Gather phone numbers for the vet, find out who is on call.   OH Forgot - purchase CD player.  Last but not least - buy Breyer's vanilla ice cream - 2 -3 gallons for everyone in the house.  Certainly there is more...

Friday, November 29, 2013

Pregnant Pearl day 28

Biscuits in the oven!  There is a little puppy pudge there - nippies are slightly enlarged too.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Pregnancy Confirmed

Nash - you  Ole Dog, going to be a Daddy again!

Pregnancy Confirmed today.

Puppies expected around New Years (between 12/28/2014 - 1/2/2014)
X ray scheduled for 12/23

Capricorn Babies :) 

 Willow Sunshine 5 weeks

Nash, Willow Sunshine and Momma Pearl :)


Monday, November 18, 2013

Novemer 26th seems far away

     So -  here are a few photos of Pearl over the last couple of weeks. Many are asking if she is pregnant. At this point only she knows, and Pearl is keeping her secret close to heart.  I will say this.  She is starving, even more affectionate, there is swelling in certain areas, and other dogs react differently to her, more sniffing.  I don't want to say YES she is pregnant, if she isn't I would be be bummed.  I will say, the odds are good, and I have a "feeling".  I have posted a few photos from the past two weeks, you can judge for yourself.  At this stage, dogs generally don't show much.

Pearl Two weeks from first A.I. 
This pose and expression seems to be Pearl's outlook on things, not the most flattering picture. 
I get this type of photo after she has been bred and I try to record potential progress.

Pearl Three weeks from first A.I.

Is that a belly bump???

Love snuggles photo with her sweetheart, Nash
She does this alot lately.

Saturday, November 2, 2013

It's ZIggy

      While we wait for weeks to pass before the pregnancy check appointment for Pearl, Nash's sister Ziggy has come to visit, with her house mate Jerry (an elderly poodle).  Ziggy's precense makes me long for my Willow.  Ziggy's beautiful coat reminds me so much of Willow, the thought of her DNA, the building block of life,  exist with in Ziggy warms my heart.  A few family photos of Ziggy with her Niece's


Willow Sunshine on the porch

Ziggy, Willow Sunshine, Zoe  

Ziggy sits funny, because he has metal pins in her hind legs, after an accident at 9 month old.  
It hasn't slowed her down in the slightest!

 Zoe behind a towel

Ziggy - behind the screen

Pearl, Ziggy, Willow Sunshine, Zoe

 Nash, panting for Pearl  -   Willow Sunshine


Jerry the Poodle

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Third Time's a Charm

     The radio was in tune to our vibrations!  
Appropriate sons for ride over - Donna Summer, and Michael Jackson.  It looks like I am screaming down this road, but I am with in the speed limit.


     It was an evening appointment today, enthusiasm continues to reign between Nash and Pearl.  We are on day 16.   A beautiful evening drive over Pitcher Mountain.  Tired of the old route, a new one was sought.  This time Route 123 North through Stoddard, Marlow and Alstead to Westminster and up I 91 North. 
      Still eager and willing, Nash is invigorated, a bounce in his step on our afternoon walk.  This visit, a repeat of the last, shows promise.  Next step, a pregnancy check appointment on November 26th. A video and photos of today's trip.

 Driving over Pitcher Mountain

The eager sire - resting up

Hope you don't get car sick...

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

It Was Another Success

     Things are looking good.  Darkness, frost, and cold night air prevailed, still we ventured on.  The time 6:30 AM.  We drove for and hour and fifteen minutes, our arrival was thirty minutes before appointment time.  Either I am thirty minutes late or early for appointments at this vet in Claremont, NH, the reproduction vet. I like this vet, soft spoken, gentle, with an abundance of experience.
      Light seeped into the day, and a lazy sun waned to the east behind mountains, as a heavy fog floundered over the Connecticut river valley.  I drove with my little labrador family of Nash, Pearl and Willow Sunshine, North on I 91.  All is not quiet in the car.  Anticipation, and desire oozed from Nash, evident by restless maneuvers in the back seat.  Tired, stressed, vocal cords squeaked and squawked as he tried to bark. Eventually he settled.  Pearl and Willow Sunshine, rest in contemplation.  Pearl must certainly know where she is headed.   As usual, she accepts life as it comes. 
      The receptionist greets me by name. I've been there so often the last few weeks for this breeding,  it's all routine.  We are given an exam room. I leave Perl with the receptionist, and get Nash out of the car.  He squawks"deck the halls" and "angels sing" behind a tinted car window, smeared with dog slobber. Don't tell him he's thirteen, as he leaps from the car. On a taunt leash he drags me into the vet.  He pants, "Where is she, Where is she, Where is she?"  I open the exam room door a crack, "you ready" I said to the vet and technician.  before I could finish my sentence, Nash barged through the door to greet his beautiful sweetheart, Pearl. 
       In one fluid motion, the vet moves with adeptness for the collection. "He certainly is more enthusiastic this time, isn't he."  Unfazed, unrattled, it's all in a days work.  He left to look at Nash's abundant "sample", returns equipped for task at hand.  "It looks good." The vet said.  "Each sample keeps getting better. you would think he was five years old."  He said and proceeds with the artificial insemination. 
     Casual conversation ensues between humans, as Pearl's hind end is held in the air for two - three - four minutes.  Her expression; here we go again.  "Good girl Pearly, your such a good girl."  I said to her.  Her big brown eyes look into me. 
    That done,  and Pearl back in the car. Nash, a bit too well endowed to be let out in public, is escorted out the back door.  Nothing a short walk in cold morning air couldn't solve.  The vet suggested a third and last AI.
     Once more, and for the last time, on Wednesday evening at 6:00 PM, I will load the car with my labrador family, and head north on I 91 toward Nash and Pearl's final reunion.  Nash has only been bred once before in his long life, to Pearl. At thirteen this will be his last. I knew there was something amazing about his boy when he was born, hence, his registered name, Caccha's Willow Amazing Nyne. Now we wait to see if it the breeding takes.    May it, there are people waiting for that special dog soul with whom to be reunited or united for the first time.

Willow n Nash 2000


Monday, October 28, 2013

First breeding 10/27/13

We feel the first AI was a success, and the timing is good.  We go tomorrow morning, 10/29, for our second AI.  Nash and Pearl are very sweet.

Willow Sunshine with Nash in Maine 8/2013

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Breeding Commences

First AI (Artificial Insemination) tomorrow, October 27th, at 10:00 AM
Day 13 of pearl's heat.
Nash and his sweetheart Pearl

Here are a few offspring from the Pleiades litter 12/2/2011

Willow Sunshine


