Monday, December 30, 2013

December 31st Puppies due

Tomorrow Pearl will go in for a c-section to deliver the one Large Puppy - The vet felt it best to do the c-section.  Despite feeling Pearl could handle the delivery, the concern is for the pup getting stuck, and not making it. In addition to the stress on Pearl.   Naturally, this approach rattles my nerves, and I am second guessing everything, but I have to believe this is the right choice.  Pearl- she has know idea what is to come, neither do I.

We will leave around 8:30 AM tomorrow, December 31st, and the c-section is scheduled for 11:00 AM.  I have complete confidence in the vet and his team.  This helps ease my nerves.  Still, as with all surgeries, there are risks. 

At times like this I wish I could see into the future, and see the outcome.  My little Pearly, maybe she will go into labor tonight, and tomorrow we arrive at the vet in time for her to deliver her baby.  Help is right there if need be.   Maybe there will be an additional surprise or two.  It sure is one one heck of a way to round out the year 2013! Happy New Year to all.

Friday, December 20, 2013

12 Days of Christmas - Pearl Day 50

      We now have twelve days and counting.  Last litter Pearl began contractions on day 61 and pups were born on day 62.  Here are photos of Pearl at day 50.  

She is growing, but doesn't look huge.

I have noticed a big change in the past couple of days. 

  I hope there are little bodies in there for our xray count on Monday at 3:00PM! 


Pearl and Willow Sunshine


Saturday, December 7, 2013

Preparations under way

 37 Day Pregnant
Pearly's little biscuits baking nicely.

My whelping list keeps getting longer and longer!  Each week I check an item or two off.  Today it was  Milk replacement, bottle feeding kit, canine thermometer, and cottage cheese (for Pearl).  Last week it was digital scale (postal scale measure up to 10 pounds),  Finished cleaning (birthing room - the porch bedroom).   Prior to that it was washing Whelping pool, and exercise pens with Clorox (when the weather was warm).  there is a continued effort to wash and clorox towels, sheets, washcloths.  Oh, and,made business cards, explored pet insurance information for puppy owners.

Next on list:  heater and heat lamp (last one died).  ribbons (after I know the count), Clean extra bedroom - for guests, and tree room (monumental task), organize current whelping kit - dental floss, scissors, note pad, pen, ky jelly, iodine, read, re-read, and re-read whelping bible, cotton balls, fold all the laundry I washed, and set up whelping pool around the 23rd. Gather phone numbers for the vet, find out who is on call.   OH Forgot - purchase CD player.  Last but not least - buy Breyer's vanilla ice cream - 2 -3 gallons for everyone in the house.  Certainly there is more...